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Alex SouzaKK
Alex SouzaKK's picture
  • Rating: 6
  • Games Played: 127
  • Total Winnings: 3,410,946,000.00
  • Avg. Buy-In: 34,679,527.56
  • Biggest Buy-in: 250,000,000.00
  • ITM %: 25.2
  • Total Profit: -993,354,000.00
  • Average Profit: -7,821,685.04
  • Average ROI %: -22.55
  • Final Table: 14
  • First: 3
  • Second: 1
  • Third: 1
  • Early Finishes %: 14.17
  • Early Middle Finishes %: 23.62
  • Middle Finishes %: 40.16
  • Middle Late Finishes %: 15.75
  • Late Finishes %: 6.3

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Alex SouzaKK

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Game Rating Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
10M High Roller: NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 7 47 -2,693,617.02 -26.94 -126,600,000.00 10,000,000.00 29.79 14/33
50M "Ulysses": NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 7 39 -7,161,538.46 -14.32 -279,300,000.00 50,000,000.00 25.64 10/29
20M Higher Roller: NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 7 17 -13,917,647.06 -69.59 -236,600,000.00 20,000,000.00 17.65 3/14
Daily Centurion: NLHE (100M), 1B Chips Guaranteed A 7 56,105,714.29 56.11 392,740,000.00 100,000,000.00 28.57 2/5
10M High Roller: NLHE, 200M Chips Guaranteed NA 4 2,450,000.00 24.5 9,800,000.00 10,000,000.00 25 1/3

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
07/18/2017 Daily Centurion: NLHE (100M), 1B Chips Guaranteed 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/49 900,260,000.00
07/15/2017 Friday Flash 100M BubbleRush, 4B Chips Guaranteed 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 2/64 844,000,000.00
07/14/2017 Friday Fireworks 50M BubbleRush, 2B Chips Guaranteed 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 1/98 762,000,000.00
12/03/2016 Daily Centurion: NLHE (100M), 1B Chips Guaranteed 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/41 759,000,000.00
07/06/2017 50M "Ulysses": NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 2/75 448,800,000.00

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
12/28/2016 50M "Ulysses": NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 43/60 0.00
12/26/2016 10M High Roller: NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 9/108 31,300,000.00
12/26/2016 50M "Ulysses": NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 48/64 0.00
12/26/2016 10M High Roller: NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 59/89 0.00
12/26/2016 20M Higher Roller: NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 17,600,000.00+2,400,000.00 70/94 0.00
12/25/2016 10M High Roller: NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 74/93 0.00
12/25/2016 50M "Ulysses": NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 16/43 0.00
12/24/2016 50M "Ulysses": NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 35/54 0.00
12/24/2016 50M "Ulysses": NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 12/50 93,900,000.00
12/23/2016 10M High Roller: NLHE, 500M Chips Guaranteed 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 74/105 0.00
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