Tournament Info: 25 Seats GTD to the $300,000 Player Appreciation Tournament [R&A]



NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Tournament started

July 07, 2018 22:30




$30.00 + $3.00

Prize pool

1 NOGAMBLE $525.00 21 Copone $525.00 41 samerin $0.00 61 LIFEOFODDS $0.00 81 Abewin973 $0.00
2 SnakePlisken $525.00 22 jvnyk $525.00 42 cy19841030 $0.00 62 prof.chaos $0.00 82 MDIESQ $0.00
3 rebengaaaaaa $525.00 23 SDM18 $525.00 43 nevada $0.00 63 clembutt $0.00 83 wildbill1963 $0.00
4 Maimai1990 $525.00 24 pokerstarr22 $525.00 44 ajnvt $0.00 64 vgkgirl $0.00 84 GtOB0t $0.00
5 bill6805 $525.00 25 Notorious201 $525.00 45 rayroswell $0.00 65 ChaiPoker $0.00 85 Bob_Loblaw $0.00
6 key2thecity $525.00 26 JankCity $525.00 46 Espo1954 $0.00 66 WizardofId $0.00 86 MacheteSpray $0.00
7 bcmclawh $525.00 27 SpaceOddity $525.00 47 Copernicus $0.00 67 BklynFinest $0.00 87 movado13 $0.00
8 Beeznutz22 $525.00 28 Badwis $525.00 48 PickNPop21 $0.00 68 twobears $0.00 88 bertperton $0.00
9 Pollux $525.00 29 PokherHarder $525.00 49 baga_buuch $0.00 69 dc6702 $0.00 89 OICURMT $0.00
10 Mkmar $525.00 30 DeezNutz1709 $525.00 50 kneehall $0.00 70 jasons $0.00 90 DeNutso $0.00
11 jerseygirl1 $525.00 31 uniman $525.00 51 bighand18 $0.00 71 MrOrange $0.00 91 pairofdeuce $0.00
12 valuebet $525.00 32 Pakatran $525.00 52 iamskynet $0.00 72 csikrisz85 $0.00 92 ChipChump $0.00
13 labelfree $525.00 33 3OUTME $525.00 53 discodawg $0.00 73 deepblueq $0.00 93 WeWantMutiny $0.00
14 OohKILLemmm $525.00 34 Larrybird33 $525.00 54 chilly24 $0.00 74 piperbell $0.00 94 KingShippo $0.00
15 PokerBull197 $525.00 35 Stackbundles $525.00 55 NVXMA $0.00 75 Crushingly $0.00 95 Adronos $0.00
16 boom81boom $525.00 36 BrickTamland $525.00 56 X1shot1killx $0.00 76 rockbro $0.00 96 MisterKK $0.00
17 waitasecond $525.00 37 THELIONKING $525.00 57 texasmolly $0.00 77 HealthNut $0.00 97 spudcrowley $0.00
18 randomrags24 $525.00 38 Bozzo $45.00 58 n3rds $0.00 78 VegasBelle $0.00 98 Clownbaby42 $0.00
19 Clewless21 $525.00 39 JAMALSHABAZZ $0.00 59 av1925 $0.00 79 meandharpua $0.00 99 Professor2.0 $0.00
20 BlueTang $525.00 40 jetsfan14 $0.00 60 Oh2Suckout $0.00 80 Sharpt0p $0.00 100 Omni27 $0.00
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