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Kartagener's picture
  • Games Played: 81
  • Total Winnings: €843.98
  • Avg. Buy-In: €5.99
  • Biggest Buy-in: €50.00
  • ITM %: 27.16
  • Total Profit: €358.98
  • Average Profit: €4.43
  • Average ROI %: 74.02

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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
Deepstack Hold'em 4 -€5.00 -100 -€20.00 €5.00 0 0/4
TRIDENT 4 -€9.44 -94.38 -€37.75 €10.00 0 0/4
TRIDENT 4 €0.48 9.6 €1.92 €5.00 25 1/3
TRIDENT 4 €3.66 182.88 €14.63 €2.00 50 2/2
KILL THE FISH 3 €57.24 1144.87 €171.73 €5.00 100 3/0

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
02/20/2022 LE SUD VS LE RESTE DU MONDE €1.80+€0.20 1/2035 €818.49
06/08/2022 MONSTER STACK €4.50+€0.50 6/736 €182.00
12/24/2021 KILL THE FISH €4.50+€0.50 1/81 €141.98
03/21/2022 WPO Madrid Package Qualif. €9.00+€1.00 1/21 €125.00
12/30/2021 Deep Sat W.Series 4 MILLION EVENT KO €4.50+€0.50 1/30 €125.00

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
12/31/2021 TRIDENT €4.50+€0.50 45/169 €14.59
12/30/2021 LA FIEVRE - ROAD TO MASS START 50 € €9.00+€1.00 91/2555 €83.35
12/30/2021 COCKTAIL €4.50+€0.50 1190/1170 €0.00
12/30/2021 Hold'em [180 Max] €1.80+€0.20 7/159 €12.43
12/30/2021 SPARTACUS €1.80+€0.20 877/1407 €0.45
12/30/2021 Mega Sat W.Series MILLION EVENT KO €2.70+€0.30 4/11 €11.70
12/30/2021 TRIDENT €1.80+€0.20 10/265 €13.08
12/30/2021 Deepstack Hold'em €0.90+€0.10 91/75 €0.00
12/30/2021 Hold'em [180 Max] €1.80+€0.20 2/113 €51.26
12/30/2021 KILL THE FISH €1.80+€0.20 265/633 €0.90
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