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TightButHole's picture
  • Games Played: 786
  • Total Winnings: $10,508.18
  • Avg. Buy-In: $11.95
  • Biggest Buy-in: $100.00
  • ITM %: 22.26
  • Total Profit: $1,115.18
  • Average Profit: $1.42
  • Average ROI %: 11.87

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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
8-Max:{#P}$1.5K Gtd{#M} 54 $1.84 16.74 $99.46 $11.00 25.93 14/40
6-Max Hyper:{#P}$300 Gtd{#M} 53 $7.41 98.81 $392.77 $7.50 28.3 15/38
6-Max:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} 48 $0.62 5.62 $29.69 $11.00 22.92 11/37
Daily Legends{#P}6-Max Turbo:{#M}$2K Gtd{#S} 47 $9.77 88.82 $459.18 $11.00 21.28 10/37
7-Max Deepstack:{#P}$500 Gtd{#M} 43 -$1.46 -26.6 -$62.92 $5.50 18.6 8/35

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
11/22/2021 The Clásico:{#P}$15K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $20.00+$2.00 2/661 $2,008.83
02/17/2022 The Clásico:{#P}$15K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $20.00+$2.00 2/685 $1,741.83
08/25/2022 The Clásico:{#P}$10K Gtd{#M} $20.00+$2.00 3/566 $986.73
02/21/2024 Daily Legends{#P}Clásico:{#M}$6K Gtd{#S} $20.00+$2.00 2/326 $850.31
10/10/2022 Deepstack $22:{#P}$3K Gtd{#M} $20.00+$2.00 1/189 $764.88

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
12/29/2023 Daily Legends{#P}6-Max Turbo:{#M}$1K Gtd{#S} $10.00+$1.00 31/99 $0.00
12/29/2023 6-Max Deepstack Hyper:{#P}$250 Gtd{#M} $5.25+$0.25 20/66 $0.00
12/29/2023 8-Max:{#P}$1.5K Gtd{#M} $10.00+$1.00 19/127 $25.69
12/29/2023 6-Max Hyper:{#P}$500 Gtd{#M} $10.50+$0.50 15/54 $0.00
12/29/2023 7-Max Deepstack:{#P}$500 Gtd{#M} $5.00+$0.50 73/124 $0.00
12/29/2023 Battle 8-Max Hyper:{#P}$500 Gtd{#M} $10.50+$0.50 26/51 $0.00
12/29/2023 Daily Legends{#P}6-Max Turbo:{#M}$2K Gtd{#S} $10.00+$1.00 55/187 $0.00
12/29/2023 6-Max:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} $10.00+$1.00 67/128 $0.00
12/29/2023 Daily Legends{#P}8-Max:{#M}$1.5K Gtd{#S} $5.00+$0.50 171/258 $0.00
12/29/2023 Daily Legends{#P}7-Max:{#M}$3K Gtd{#S} $10.00+$1.00 115/272 $0.00
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