Tournament Info: 3 Seats GTD to the WSOP Online Bracelet Event #28 [R&A,Turbo]



TURBO NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Tournament started

July 27, 2021 20:00




$91.00 + $9.00

Prize pool

1 StayActive $3,200.00 21 centrfieldr $0.00 41 dehhhhh $0.00 61 TheDoubleD $0.00 81 bossplaya21 $0.00
2 Going2Ship $3,200.00 22 Corgasm $0.00 42 Robotbob47 $0.00 62 ClarkeyJr $0.00 82 Mkspresident $0.00
3 Pay_Son $3,200.00 23 letsplay77 $0.00 43 redraider $0.00 63 QQlove $0.00 83 SammyTwizz $0.00
4 phiI_ivey $3,200.00 24 chinoloco $0.00 44 SiParaTu $0.00 64 dudeguydrew $0.00 84 zebra_debra $0.00
5 BigDumbIdiot $3,200.00 25 Victoria53 $0.00 45 kolebear $0.00 65 the_schmenx $0.00 85 nmp1983 $0.00
6 skydiver1077 $3,200.00 26 yummyfuntime $0.00 46 PokerBull197 $0.00 66 8Bracelets $0.00 86 Chopuh $0.00
7 Martycohen $3,200.00 27 pokeher2014 $0.00 47 potato $0.00 67 JIGESH $0.00 87 Got_The_Glow $0.00
8 TheBigGift $3,200.00 28 Omni27 $0.00 48 joebiden $0.00 68 p.roffmarc $0.00 88 juice $0.00
9 nowb3athat $3,200.00 29 machorow $0.00 49 richardkwon $0.00 69 Relevancy $0.00 89 Bella0827 $0.00
10 uNORTH0doX $957.00 30 So_fly36 $0.00 50 Strunk701 $0.00 70 passorcall $0.00 90 Dbg81490 $0.00
11 SnakePlisken $0.00 31 g00sebumps $0.00 51 BigStaxKing $0.00 71 nyjets23 $0.00 91 markm02 $0.00
12 Synesthesia $0.00 32 yungflipwell $0.00 52 cliffiehawg $0.00 72 kgriffi45 $0.00 92 robin_hood $0.00
13 katelin $0.00 33 bobos77 $0.00 53 fadiphatu1 $0.00 73 jchak $0.00 93 reigman1 $0.00
14 zeal1906 $0.00 34 Crokou $0.00 54 Demerssa $0.00 74 Kings702 $0.00 94 Lukaslo0413 $0.00
15 Luckyleo1980 $0.00 35 GitGot $0.00 55 jaggyboy13 $0.00 75 Eclypzed $0.00 95 Numbskol $0.00
16 bIueberry $0.00 36 Hitmy1outer $0.00 56 BobMerwald $0.00 76 JinYang $0.00 96 MrDEFI $0.00
17 Pibrahim $0.00 37 trayang $0.00 57 LookB4ULeap $0.00 77 brownmagic $0.00 97 SkyKing $0.00
18 max801531 $0.00 38 Aulophobia $0.00 58 rjsk0531 $0.00 78 vdebellis $0.00 98 bigal16 $0.00
19 swaggyb $0.00 39 momndad $0.00 59 CRISPR $0.00 79 thlstcrdbndr $0.00 99 Fammy $0.00
20 ValueTown $0.00 40 ChromeKing $0.00 60 RUA11 $0.00 80 freshcakes $0.00 100 rainmakerr $0.00